Wednesday 3 April 2024

What is History?

Look and listen to this presentation:  

1. Create a timeline with these 5 periods of history.


2. Copy the sentences in your notebook and find the period of history they belong to.

a) It began with the origins of the human race and ended with the invention of writing (around the year 3,300 B.C). It has three periods: Paleolithic, Neolithic and Metal Ages.

b) It began with the invention of writing and ended in the V century.

c) It goes from the V century to the XV century.

d) It began in the XV century and ended in 1789, with the French Revolution.

e) It began in the XVIII century and continues to the present day.

3. What is History? Answer using 2 sentences.

4. How can we get information about the past?
Historians can use different sources of information about the past such as _______ 

5. History is split into two parts according to the birth of Jesus. Do you know which two parts?

The two parts in which History is split are: _______

Monday 2 October 2023

Life on Earth and needs of living things

Script Review Questions

1. Characteristics of the planet that make life possible:

2. It has oxygen, carbon dioxide and other gases.

3. Process in which living things get nutrients to grow and develop:

4. Process in which living things create new members of their own species:

5. Needs of living things:

6. Living things that get energy from the Sun.

7. Living things that get energy from other living things.

8. What is homeostasis?

9. Process in which living things detect information and react to it:

10. It is the basic unit of life:

SCRIPT: Living Things Page 1

Listen to the teachers reading the script about Living Things.

Listening can be another way to study!

Thursday 28 September 2023

Irregular verbs

In order to use the present prefect (I have written in English) and the passive voice you need to use the 3rd column of irregular verbs. CONTINUE STUDYING THEM!

Try to learn as many irregular verbs as possible by using them, studying them or playing!  (You need Flash Player to see them)


GAME 2: Complete sentences

Friday 15 September 2023


 Hello! We are going to start fifth grade reviewing the past tense and the irregular verbs that you studied in fourth grade.

Here you have the list of irregular verbs and some videos to review singing. Have fun!


Monday 11 September 2023


Welcome to our Fifth Grade blog, 
a place to learn, share and enjoy while learning 
English, Science and much more!